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2014-33期 how to get published in aNatur
发布时间:2016-05-23 点击率:

2014-33 how to get published in aNatur

作者:戢凤琴  日期:2014-9-17  点击数:730 

报告题目: How to get published ina Nature-branded journals?
报告人:Dr Changjun (Alex) Zhang,
            Associate Editor, Nature Communications

Abstract: So, you''ve discovered somethingextraordinary and you want to consider publishing in a
Nature journal. But which one should you choose? Indeed, why has Nature spawned so many new titles? What is Nature Communications, and what is it trying to do that other Nature journal don''t do already? And what is Open Access? In this talk I''lltry to answer these and any other questions you have about getting published ina Naturejournal, mainly Nature Communications. I''ll also cover: why are we here and what are we looking for inChina?

WHO AM I: I did my first degree in Central ChinaNormal University, PhD in Queen''s University Belfast, and postdoc inUniversity of Cambridge. My own research focused on theoretical aspects ofsystems of relevance to surface science, solid-liquid interfaces, heterogeneouscatalysis, energy production and storage, and solid state fuel cells. I joinedNature Publishing Group early last year and now an associate editor in
Nature Communications.